1. Getting to Know You

If you have signed up to talk with a member of CRC’s senior leadership team (or would like to), please take a few minutes to fill out this "Getting to Know You" questionnaire.

It will take you about 5 to 15 minutes to complete it, depending on the amount of information you would like to provide.
Let us briefly introduce ourselves in a way that’s known by our clients and by career industry insiders – as we are known for our breathtaking results.
Since 2020, our clients have enjoyed an average cash compensation increase of $136,700. The search time starting from the launch of their active search is averaging 4.9 months. Of course, every search is different and there are a multitude of factors affecting a career search, so there is no guarantee you will experience a similar result. (We can fill you in on your personal marketability when we meet.)
Career Resume Consulting is NOT a recruiting firm.
We also don’t have a treasure trove of secret positions to put in your lap. Instead, we take a 180° approach to career searching to put the decision-making in your hands;
  • We first authentically define who you are to the current job market and create a compelling value proposition.
  • Then, we have a strategy to deliver a large amount of decision-maker traffic to your LinkedIn profile, which we have found to be the best-performing communication medium for those making multiple-six-figures.
  • We can train you to interview with a psychological approach to give you a uniquely competitive advantage
  • We can provide last-minute interview preparation to completely prepare you for those high-stakes interviews.
  • Tammy Kabell can assist you with compensation negotiation, which is done “behind the scenes” and guaranteed to pay for itself.
Since we are not recruiters, we work in YOUR best interests and have found that, in addition to developing creative strategies, we get our incredible results – and earned reputation – by investing a large amount of time in a close partnership with you. Therefore, there is generally a meaningful investment on your part of both time and money.

The investment options are customized and dependent upon your individual situation and where our help is most needed. You may not need all of the services listed above. Following our initial consultation meeting, if we determine that one or more of our programs would be an exceptional solution for your current situation, we will send you a detailed proposal with a personalized quote for services.

If you haven’t searched for years or have never searched for a job at your new target level, we've got you! Our team are experts at this, as most clients have never had to search for a new position. We can coach you through each step to help you land a perfectly fitting role in a company that will appreciate you and pay you what you’re worth.

We never propose any services unless we can provide at least a 4X Return on Investment. However, our assistance can result in a significant increase in compensation, well beyond 10X the investment in our services.
Answering all of the questions below enables us to learn more about your career and your search needs and will allow both of us to use our time together most efficiently.
It is our goal in this initial consultation to determine if there is