After hours primary care provider survey

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14% of survey complete.
The federal government believes it is important to provide high quality, timely and appropriate health care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This survey is part of a larger evaluation commissioned by the Department of Health and Ageing and conducted by the University of Melbourne to assess after-hours health care services provided throughout Australia.

We are interested in the views of primary health care professionals on after hours care needs and recent changes to the way after hours services are organised and funded. Primary health care professionals include general practitioners (GPs), nurses, pharmacists and dentists.

After hours care refers to services conducted:
• Between 6pm – 8am Monday through Friday,
• 12pm – 8am Saturday, and
• All day Sundays and public holidays.

The purpose of this survey is to capture:
• the views of primary care providers on hours primary health care needs; and
• the views of primary care providers on after hours primary health care reforms including the role of Medicare Locals in planning and funding after hours care and the place of the After hours GP helpline in the after hours care system.

This survey take between 5 - 10 minutes. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your opinions.

ETHICS STATEMENT: Ethical approval has been granted by the Department of Health and Ageing Departmental Ethics Committee. Project: 23/2012: Evaluation of the After Hours Primary Health Care Program – Stakeholder and Consumer Consultation