
Question Title

* Your First Name

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* Your Last name

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* Your Group at Ele's Place

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* After a death, it is common for people to experience some changes in feelings and behavior. This is a normal part of grief. The following list includes areas in which children or teens may have problems, whether or not a death has occured. We would like you to rate the extent to which each statement applies to you NOW, since coming ot Ele's Place. Please us the following scale:

  1 - Does not apply 2 3 - Sometimes 4 5 - Most of the time
I am moody and easily upset.
I have nightmares or bad dreams.
I do not sleep well, or I sleep too much.
I get very angry.
I have trouble paying attention.
I have difficulty with schoolwork.
I have aches and pains.
I am often sick.
I worry alot.
I don't like to be away from my parent.
I keep to myself.
I have trouble settling down.
It's hard for me to express my feelings.
I get into trouble.
I think about wanting to die.

Question Title

* Please share any comments, thoughts, or feedback you have about your Ele's Place experience. 

Thank you for completing this survey and for being part of Ele's Place!