
The Tacoma College Support Network (TCSN) is a collaboration of organizations that promote college, career and citizenship readiness for all Tacoma students by encouraging higher two-year and four-year college enrollments of high school graduates. The TCSN's emphasis is to aid students who have limited access to resources and opportunities, with special focus on low-income and under-represented students.

In 2006 a few concerned parties began to meet to discuss how to continue the momentum of the Achievers Scholarship program for low-income Tacoma Public School students once the Gates Foundation ended its scholarship support to TPS graduates in 2010. Since that time this group has changed focus a number of times and has grown to include a large group of community members.

With the group/network now moving forward in a number of key areas in support of Tacoma’s youth, we believe it is time to establish a Three Year Strategic Plan. Before we begin drafting the plan however, we would like get your thoughts on what the future of this network should look like.

Question Title

* 1. 1. Please indicate your level of agreement for supporting the future direction of the Tacoma College Support Network.

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Academic Support
Family social service support
Non-Academic college readiness (eg., FAFSA & college applications, etc.)
Support of member organization's objectives
Summer programs aimed at retaining student's learning
Family attitudes toward students’ post secondary aspirations

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your level of agreement as you think about TCSN supporting Tacoma students, families and staff in improving academic performance?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Push for AVID classes beginning in the 5th grade
Focus on improvement in Math & Science
Focus on improvement in Reading
Focus on improvement in Writing
Advocate for longer school days
Advocate for extended day experiences at all comprehensive high schools.

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* 3. At what point do you think TCSN should begin our post high school readiness activities? (Please check one)

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* 4. In light of your responses to the above, who or what other organizations should be invited to the Network?

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* 5. The TCSN has evolved very dramatically over the past five to six years. How do you see it changing in a sustainable way over the next three years? (Please check one)

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* 6. The current statement of purpose for the TCSN is as follows: "The Tacoma College Support Network (TCSN) is a collaboration of organizations that promote college, career and citizenship readiness for all Tacoma students by encouraging higher two-year and four-year college enrollments of high school graduates and higher college and postsecondary graduation rates of all Tacoma residents. The TCSN supports the Tacoma Public Schools in their effort to increase academic performance of students beginning in kindergarten, to eliminate the achievement gap, to reduce school dropout rates, and to increase graduation rates. The TCSN's emphasis is to aid students who have limited access to resources and opportunities, with special focus on low-income and under-represented students." Do you think this statement accurately reflects the direction you would like to see the network take? If not, what would you change?

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* 7. Your perspective or interest in the community is from your role as: (Check all that apply)