Question Title

* 1. Do you agree or disagree with each statement? Please check one circle after each statement.

  I Strongly Agree I Agree I Disagree I Strongly Disagree
1. Listening to their classmates and the teacher over their own headphones is helpful for students.
2. Listening to recorded sound (an MP3 or internet audio) over their own headphones is helpful for students.
3. Listening to their recorded voices over their own headphones is helpful for students.
4. Watching and listening to video with their own screens and headphones is helpful for students.
5. Speaking with a partner over the headphones is helpful for students.
6. Students have more opportunities to speak in the Media Center than they do in a regular classroom.
7. Students feel more comfortable speaking in the Media Center than they do in a regular classroom.
8. Students computer and internet skills are improving because of classes in the Media Center.
9. My class(es) in the Media Center are helping me in my teaching.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate which of the following workshops would be interesting or helpful to you.

  I'm Interested I'm Not Interested
1. A workshop about internet use in the Media Center, including strategies for sending web pages, instruction giving, and dealing with content that may be unsuitable for the classroom.
2. A workshop about accessing lessons in the Media Center, including navigating the server, the blog, and the wiki.
3. A workshop about internet audio and video, including learning how to save from the web if the author has allowed it.
4. A workshop about the strategies for avoiding problems with a lesson in the Media Center.
5. A workshop in which faculty discuss successful lessons and demonstrate how to implement these lessons in the Media Center.

Question Title

* 3. Would you be willing to present at a faculty workshop on successful Media Center lessons?

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* 4. What is a favorite Media Center lesson you've done? Why do you and your students enjoy it?

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* 5. Do you have any additional thoughts or suggestions?