Question Title

* 1. After receiving feedback from last week’s survey, I wanted to expand the second question to include all of the criteria that Oregonians must satisfy before receiving an Oregon CHL permit. Which of the following criteria do you feel should continue to be required under Oregon law?

  Yes No
No felony convictions
No mental health illness adjudications or commitment to the Oregon Health Authority
No misdemeanor convictions within the past four years
No convictions for drugs (exception for one offense with drug treatment)
No juvenile adjudications within the past four years
No outstanding warrants
No current stalking or restraining orders
Not required to register as a sex offender
Not dishonorably discharged from the militlary
Is a resident of the county where the license is being sought
Completed training
Is 21 years of age or older
Is a U.S. citizen or legal resident
Completes a fingerprint check