
Question Title

* 1. Which Walmart do you shop at regularly? Please enter the address if it is known. If not, please use city and state.

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* 2. How satisfied are you with Walmart overall?

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor Unsatisfied Somewhat Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied
Overall Satisfaction

Question Title

* 3. How would you rate the lighting/brightness in each of the following stores?

  Too Bright Just Right Too Dim Don't Notice
Best Buy

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* 4. When shopping at Walmart, how often do you feel that the lighting is too bright?

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* 5. When shopping at Walmart, how often do you feel that the lighting is not bright enough?

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* 6. Have you ever noticed the lights at Walmart getting brighter or dimmer while you are shopping in the store?

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* 7. Which store would you most prefer shopping in?

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* 8. Many Walmart stores use skylights with a control system as part of the lighting. In this system, lighting dims the overhead fluorescent lights in response to the amount of sunlight provided by the skylights. So, the fluorescent lights may brighten or dim based on the changing brightness outside (e.g., sunny/cloudy day, clouds passing by, etc.).

Have you noticed this change in the lighting while shopping at Walmart?

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* 9. If yes to the previous question, how acceptable is this type lighting system to you? (optional, depends on answer to previous question)

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* 10. How does this lighting system affect your shopping experience at Walmart?

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* 11. Which of the following statement best fits with how you feel about this lighting?