The ENT UK Annual meeting will be taking place on Friday 12th September 2014 at The Royal College of Surgeons. ORS is organising the free papers session, and submissions are now invited on-line, by midnight on 12th June. Both oral and poster presentations will be accepted.

Abstracts should be prepared as follows. A maximum word limit of 250 words (excluding title, authors and references) will be strictly enforced. If the word count is found to be greater than this, the abstract will be rejected outright, without further consideration. The criterion will be the number of words as determined by the word count tool in Microsoft Word.

Maximum of two references per abstract. Please do NOT add fancy decorations, boxes, characterful fonts, etc. First author must present the paper. Each presenter can only present once.

Please note that abstracts must be unpublished and must not have been presented previously at a national meeting in the UK. Be accurate with what you write; presentation titles / authors will be published online byClinical Otolaryngology, and the abstracts will be uploaded on the ORS website.

Any queries should be addressed to

Closing date for entries:
To be received by midnight on Thursday 12th June 2014

Question Title

* 1. What is the email address that you would like us to use for contacting you about this abstract submission?

Question Title

* 2. What is the title of your paper?

Question Title

* 3. PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME first name followed by surname

Question Title


Question Title

* 5. CO AUTHORS name(s) and institution(s)

Question Title

* 6. Introduction

Question Title

* 7. Methods

Question Title

* 8. Results

Question Title

* 9. Conclusions

Question Title

* 10. References

Question Title

* 11. Word Count