Question Title

* 1. How do you feel about the pace of the sessions you attended today?

  Too fast A little quick Just right A little slow Too slow Did not attend
A Supreme Court Review- Plenary Session
A Supreme Court Review- Breakout Session
Working with Interpreters

Question Title

* 2. How do you feel about the content of the material?

  Too basic A little basic Just right A little hard Too hard
A Supreme Court Review- Plenary Session
A Supreme Court Review- Breakout Session
Working with Interpreters

Question Title

* 3. Supreme Court Review Plenary & Breakout Session

  Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
Presenter's knowledge of the subject
Presenter's presentation style
Usefulness of written materials
Satisfy your learning objectives
Overall session appraisal

Question Title

* 4. Working with Court Interpreters

  Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
Presenters' knowledge of the subject
Presenters' presentation style
Usefulness of written materials
Satisfy your learning objectives
Overall session appraisal

Question Title

* 5. Please include any comments or suggestions you have regarding today's Conference sessions.