12% of survey complete.

Question Title

Comments on BFM's Equality of Service Brief

Barrier-Free Manitoba is a non-partisan, non-profit, cross-disability initiative working to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).

On the April 19, 2014, the discussion paper on the proposed Customer Service Standard was released. This is the first proposed standard under the AMA. It has been developed to require the prevention and removal of barriers related to customer service and other business practices. It needs to be strong and effective to achieve this. As the first standard, it also needs to out a high bar for the others that will follow.

Toward these ends, we have reviewed the discussion paper and, on May 30, released a detailed report on our findings, including 16 recommendations for how the proposed standard needs to be strengthened.

We invite you to share your comment and feedback on our findings and our recommendations. We will use the comments we receive by June 20, 2014 to help develop our final submission to the Province

  • If you have not yet read our report, please visit our website to download a copy.
  • If you have read our report, please click "next" and proceed.</l>