100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. When I go to the Walker Library, I go there to: (Click all that apply.)

Question Title

* 2. How often do you use the Walker Library in these environments?

  At least once a week A few times a month A few times a semester Never
Alone in a quiet area
Alone in a busy area
In a group (2 or more) in a quiet area
In a group (2 or more) in a busy area

Question Title

* 3. How would you like to interact with librarians at MTSU? (Click all that apply.)

Question Title

* 4. How much would you to use the following services at the Walker Library? (Check one on each line.)

  At least once a week A few times/month A few times/semester Never
Text or IM for research help
Reference/Tech coach (1-on-1 help with research/projects)
Practice presentation rooms
Project finishing (color printing, lamination, etc)
Poster printing
Software assistance
General computer assistance
Help with your personal laptop
Roaming library staff to help at point of need (like a store)
Ability to view your laptop on a big screen for group work

Question Title

* 5. How often would you use the following equipment at the Walker Library?

  At least once a week A few times/month A few times/semester Never
Plotter (poster printer)
Color Printer
PC laptops
Mac laptops
Computer accessories (wireless mouse, external drives, etc.)
Ebook readers (Kindle, Nook, etc.)
Cameras (still and video)
Tablet PCs and iPads
Mac Computers

Question Title

* 6. How important is it that the Walker Library provides the following to use/checkout?

  not important somewhat important very important
Laptops (Mac or PC)
Desktop Computer (Mac or PC)
Power and data ports for my own laptop

Question Title

* 7. Are there any additional services or equipment/software that that you would like us to offer in the library?

Question Title

* 8. What is your status?

Question Title

* 9. What is your major?