2013 Environmental Issues 101 - Workshops for the Construction Industries

Sponsored by the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, located within the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, these one day workshops aim to educate the construction related trades on important environmental issues. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Illinois Emergency Management Agency, Illinois Department of Labor, and Illinois Department of Public Health will be presenting on topics including asbestos, construction/demolition debris, radon, lead paint, and the OSHA consultation program.

Pre-registration for the Construction Workshop is required along with registration fee of $50.
All workshops are scheduled from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., with check-in and continental breakfast beginning at 9:00. Lunch is also provided.

For information contact: www.ienconnect.com/enviro or the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program at 1-800-252-3998

Question Title

* 1. Which workshop location are you registering to attend?

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* 2. Registrant Information

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* 3. Additional Registrant Information

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* 4. What best describes your trade or industry?

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* 5. Should you require special accomodations due to a disability, please describe here.