1. Introduction

The South East Regional ASA, in partnership with Hampshire and IOW Sport and the Hampshire ASA has recently appointed leisure consultants Continuum Sport and Leisure to undertake a research project that examines the current provision of swimming pools within Hampshire.

As part of this, we are keen to learn more about the activities of our affiliated clubs across the county.

As an affiliated club within Hampshire, we hope that you will assist us with this research by providing us with some information about your club and its activities.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and your input will help the research that is being carried out as part of this work. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.

I thank you in advance for your time and help.

Alison Usher, Divisional Business Manager, South and West, ASA and
Roger Prior, Chairman South East Region ASA

If you have any questions about this survey please contact Warren Tucker, Senior Consultant, Continuum Sport and Leisure - warren@continuumleisure.co.uk