
You have arrived at the Registration Page for our next series of creative writing workshops. Everyone marking this survey with the response "Save my seat" is guaranteed entry into whichever course(s) they have reserved; no future registration will be required. Others will have the opportunity to log their preferences for future courses.

Please note that there are no obligations or fees associated with taking this survey. Please be sure to respond to all the prompts below.

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact Info:

Question Title

* 2. Please say which of the workshop times would work well for you:

Please click a response for EACH line below:

  [I am available for this, and it is my FIRST preference] [I AM available for this, but it is NOT my first preference] [I am not available for this]
Thursday 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Question Title

* 3. Beginning October 4th, we will be offering a new workshop, Creative Writing 201, which will run for 4 consecutive weeks. Tuition is $49. Students will have a choice of afternoon or evening sessions.

Please indicate if you would like to register for this workshop.

  Yes, please save me a seat! Not now, thanks.
Creative Writing 201

Question Title

* 4. We will be offering eight ONE-DAY Workshops during our Fall semester, beginning October 4th. Each workshop is 2-hours in length. Tuition for each seminar is $15. Participants may mix and match as they choose. Students will have a choice of afternoon or evening sessions. These sessions will run opposite the 4-Week Workshops, so participants who wish to take both 1-Day and 4-Week workshops will be able to do so.

Please indicate which of the workshops you may have an interest in (logging your preferences here does not commit you to attend any class; this is solely to gauge interest. Formal registrations will follow). A specific calendar schedule will be issued soon.

Please click a response for EACH line below:

  Yes, please save me a seat! Sounds very interesting: I might be there. Cool stuff, but I'll pass for now. Nah, not my cup'o'tea.
Flash Fiction Techniques (the short Short Story)
Humor Writing Essentials
Overcoming Writers Block
Lessons in Enhancing Your Creative Abilities
Keeping a Writer's Journal
Writing Detective & Mystery Stories
Style: Develop Your Own Unique Writing Voice
Mastering the Publishing Process: How to Sell Your Work
Lucid Dreaming for Writers, Artists & Other Designers

Question Title

In case our primary workshop does not fill, we will offer several other FOUR-WEEK Workshops during our Fall semester, beginning October 4th. The workshops will meet for 4 class sessions over a 4-week period. Tuition is $49. Students will have a choice of afternoon or evening sessions. These sessions will run opposite the 1-Day Workshops, so participants who wish to take both 1-Day and 4-Week workshops will be able to do so.

Please indicate which of the workshops you may have an interest in (logging your preferences here does not commit you to attend any class; this is solely to gauge interest. Formal registrations will follow). A specific calendar schedule will be issued soon.

Please click a response for EACH line below:

  Yes, please save my seat! OK, I'm leaning toward taking this. Hmm, let me chew this over. Sorry, maybe one day, tho...!
Writing for Children & Young Adults
Writing Memoir and Autobiography
Constructing Your Novel
Writing Creative Nonfiction: the Personal Essay
Short Story Workshop
Poetry Workshop
THANK YOU for completing this survey!

BE SURE TO CLICK THE [DONE/SUBMIT] button below in order for your responses to be processed.

You will know you have successfully completed the survey when you are redirected to a new web page after clicking on the [DONE/SUBMIT] button. If you are not redirected to this new page, a web "radio" site for writers, then it means not all the questions were answered on your registration. Return to the unanswered question, complete it, and then hit the [DONE/SUBMIT] button. THANK YOU!!