1. Criminal Justice-Introduction

Question Title

* 1. Directions: Number from 1 to 12 the act below in regards to their severity to determine if the act should be treated as a crime. 1 being the most severe/serious to 12 being the least concerning.

  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8h 9th 10th 11th 12th
Robert is a Wall St. investor who has created a scam investment corporation milking millions of dollars from retirees who believe they are investing in a profitable investment.
John and Tom are a homosexual couple who live together as though they were married.
Liz pickpockets an individual’s wallet containing $50.
Reuben refuses to pay his income tax because he does not support government policies.
Susan is caught with a pound of marijuana.
Ted robs a liquor store at gunpoint.
Ellen leaves a store with change for a $10 bill after she realizes she gave the cashier a $5 bill.
Lilly approaches a man for the purpose of prostitution.
Mike refuses to wear a helmet while riding a bike.
A company pollutes a river with waste from its automobile factory.
Marge gets drunk and hits a kid while speeding through a crosswalk in her car.
Burt observes his best friend shoplifting but does not turn him in.