@One 11Sp DS - IT Series - Cloud Computing Done Right

Question Title

* 1. What is your role on campus?

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* 2. How were you participating?

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* 3. If you were participating with others, how many were with you?

Question Title

* 4. Please mark one box in response to each of the following questions.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
My seminar contained lessons that were relevant to my needs.
My seminar was well organized and easy to understand.
The presenter Donald Hester was an effective instructor.
My seminar was the right length of time.
Having an online interface with graphics and a phone connection provided an effective way to learn the seminar concepts.
It was easy for me to access the seminar on CCCConfer by phone.
It was easy for me to access the seminar CCCConfer by computer.
The seminar was held at a convenient time of the day for me.

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* 5. List three ways that you will apply knowledge learned in this seminar.

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* 6. How will this seminar affect student learning in the courses you teach or services you perform?

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* 7. How many students will be affected by what you learned in this seminar in the next academic year?

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* 8. How many faculty and staff will be affected by what you learned in this seminar in the next academic year?

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* 9. What did you like most about the desktop seminar?

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* 10. When did you feel most distanced?

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* 11. Please list additional comments or suggestions to improve this seminar.

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* 12. What topics would you like to see offered?

Question Title

* 13. Optional
@ONE occasionally contacts participants after trainings to conduct follow-up evaluations. If you would be willing to participate in further evaluations of @ONE services, please provide your contact information.

Thank you for completing our survey. We use these evaluation results to improve our seminars and to strengthen the elements you find most useful. Results will be shared with workshop facilitators and @ONE staff. Please check out our upcoming seminars located at http://www.onefortraining.org/seminars