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* 1. Are you currently a Chippewa Nature Center member?

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* 2. When was the last time you visited the Chippewa Nature Center?

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* 3. In the last year, how many times did you visit the Chippewa Nature Center?

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* 4. When you visit the Chippewa Nature Center or attend programs do you participate alone or with others? Check all that apply.

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* 5. What Chippewa Nature Center services and programs do you utilize? Check all that apply.

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* 6. What is your preferred method for receiving communications and updates from CNC?

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* 7. What is your perception of the Chippewa Nature Center? In other words, what is the first thing you think of?

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* 8. What do you think are the STRENGTHS (internal) of the Chippewa Nature Center? 

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* 9. What do you think are the WEAKNESSES (internal) of the Chippewa Nature Center? 

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* 10. How would you rate the value of programs/classes/activities vs. the cost to participate?

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* 11. I am satisfied with the amount of communication I receive regarding Chippewa Nature Center events and programs.

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* 12. Please rate your overall Satisfaction Level with the Chippewa Nature Center.

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* 13. Are there any other services/programs/exhibits that you would like to see at or through the Chippewa Nature Center?

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* 14. The current mission of the CNC is as follows:  "Chippewa Nature Center is a non-profit organization whose mission is to facilitate the enjoyment and understanding of our natural and cultural resources as relevant to the Saginaw Valley’s ecosystems, to promote environmental awareness and foster responsible stewardship"

Please comment on whether the mission statement is still relevant or needs to be changed.

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* 15. The current VISION STATEMENT for the Chippewa Nature Center is as follows:  "Inspiring people and institutions to protect the natural world"

Please comment on whether you think the vision statement is inspirational and something to work towards or needs to be updated. 

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* 16. Are there any specific issues or opportunities that you think the Chippewa Nature Center needs to address?