
Precision Farming Dealer is proud to sponsor its inaugural “2013 Most Valuable Dealership” program to recognize North America’s premier precision farming dealer.

Dealers, manufacturers and others are invited to participate by nominating top precision farming dealers from across North America. There is no limit to the number of nominations that individuals can submit. We will not reveal to the dealers who nominated them for this award. Open to all precision farming dealers in the U.S. and Canada, we will be recognizing the organization that demonstrates the best in sales, service and support of precision farming technology.

Simply fill out the form and hit the "Next" button to submit your nomination. The deadline for entries is December 7, 2012. We may contact you in the future for more information.

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* 1. Dealership Name:

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* 2. Please provide the following information for the nominated dealership.

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* 3. Why should this dealer be chosen for PRECISION FARMING DEALER'S Most Valuable Dealership?

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* 4. Please provide us with your contact information if different from above.