Receive $125 for your opinions about floor cleaning products!

Cambridge Focus is seeking people to provide feedback about products used to clean hard surface floors (wood, tile, linoleum, etc.). If you take part in this study you will receive $125 as a thank you for meeting with an interviewer in your home for 90 minutes. You will not be asked to purchase anything! The purpose of our work is to obtain consumer feedback for a well known manufacturer of floor care products. Many flexible appointment times are available in early January. Please let us know if you are interested by answering the following questions, and we will contact you if you are a good match for this study.

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1. What is your gender?

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2. What is your age?

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3. Which, if any, of the following do you personally use to clean the hard surface floors in your home (hardwood, laminates, tile, linoleum, etc.)? Please select as many or as few as apply to you.

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4. If you are using something other than a broom or traditional sponge or string mop to clean your hard surface floors, please describe the make and model of what you are using.

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5. Is there a dog or cat in your home?

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6. Do you have children, 18 years old or younger, living at home?

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7. What is your occupation or profession? (If not currently working, what has it been in the past?)

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8. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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9. Which of the following categories includes the combined annual income of all of the members of your household, before taxes?

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10. Your name:

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11. What city or town do you live in?

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12. Daytime telephone number, if we may call you during the day:

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13. Evening telephone number, if we may call you in the evening:

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14. Preferred E-mail address (we will not share this with anyone, and will use it only to conact you about research studies):

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15. Would you like to be contacted about other opinion research studies, for which you would be paid for your time and opinions?