1. Introduction Page


Your Computer Science Principles course is part of a national effort to increase opportunities for students in the field of computer science. You are joining thousands of other college, university, and high school students in piloting this course, and we thank you for your efforts.

As part of piloting this course, we need to collect data on students' interest levels and attitudes towards computer science.

The survey you are being asked to take includes questions intended to measure students' perceptions about their own abilities with current technologies.

Therefore, we ask for your honesty in completing this survey, and we also invite you to omit responding to questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Please know that your identifying information will be used ONLY to match pre/post data. This information will be kept strictly confidential and all student identifiers will be replaced with random ID numbers, once pre/post data matching has occurred.

Thank you in advance for completing this survey!

Drs. Kathleen Haynie and Sheryl Packman
The Computer Science Principles Pilot Evaluation Team

© 2011 The College Board. All rights reserved.

Computer Science: Principles is a pilot course under development. It is not an official Advanced Placement course currently being offered by the College Board. This document is being used to evaluate different aspects of the Computer Science: Principles pilot course. Do not copy, distribute or use for other purposes without obtaining written permission from the College Board.

This survey document is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation, grant CNS-0938336. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
8% of survey complete.