Your feedback is important and is used to monitor and improve our training services. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your Vision user number?

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* 3. What is your email address? (We will only use this if we need to respond to your comments in this survey, we will not add this to our mailing lists)

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* 4. When did your training take place?


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* 7. What is your overall assessment of the training?

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* 8. Please rate the administration of your training (e.g. booking the training, invoicing etc.)

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* 9. Please rate the following aspects of your Vision training:

  Very poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Course content
Supporting documentation
Achieving course objectives
Achieving personal objectives

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* 10. How was the speed of your Vision training?

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* 11. Please rate your trainer:

  Very poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Communication skills
Ability to adapt to different circumstances and questions
Knowledge of Vision and general practice
Ability to answer questions

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* 12. Would you accept training from the same trainer again?

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* 13. Please use this space to provide us with any other feedback or comments about your recent Vision training.