As you are aware, cities and towns across the Commonwealth are experiencing tough economic times due to one of the worst recessions in recent history. This is not unique to Massachusetts or the school district because the impacts are being felt across the nation. Springfield is not any different. You may recall balancing our FY-2011 budget was particularly difficult for the school district because we had to overcome a deficit of approximately $16M. In the end, the budget had a structural deficit because it relied on one-time revenue sources to help balance. Specifically, the district relied on $26M in grants and federal stimulus dollars that helped avoid some of the difficult decisions that would have needed to be made otherwise. The Federal stimulus funds will be exhausted this year and will not be available for FY-2012.

On January 26, 2011, the Governor released his version of the FY-2012 budget that was better than Springfield Public Schools had expected, but unfortunately it still leaves us with an $18.9M deficit. Along with balancing this year’s budget, we remind everyone that challenges in future years will still remain because the cost of doing business increases every year without the benefit of new revenue (e.g., contractual obligations, health care, and retirement, etc.)

In addition, we want to caution you that this is only the first step of a lengthy budget development process because the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate still need to release their versions of the FY-2012 budget. Although we are solving for an $18.9M deficit, if the legislature chooses to reduce funding for education from the Governor’s budget, then we will need to cut deeper.

With this in mind, please know Springfield Public Schools is committed to doing more with less to achieve our mission, but we are soliciting feedback to help us prioritize any potential cuts. Please take a few moments to share with us your thoughts as they relate to the FY-2012 budget reduction process.

In addition to this survey, we will solicit input on the FY-2012 budget process during a public meeting on April 14th at 6 pm at Central High School.

Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship with the Springfield Public Schools?

Question Title

* 2. Please rank the student-based programs or services listed below in the order that you consider their importance (highest priority should receive a 1).

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Foreign language in middle school
Art, music
Physical education
Summer school
Kindergarten, preschool
Extra-curricular activities
Instructional support to classrooms (examples: training, instructional coaches, teacher leaders, technology, etc.)
Classroom teachers

Question Title

* 3. Please rank the support programs or services listed below in the order that you consider their importance (highest priority should receive a 1).

  1 2 3 4 5 6
Parental involvement
Guidance counselors and adjustment counselors
Professional development and training
School building quality
Books and supplies

Question Title

* 4. Please use the space below to suggest any potential measures to reduce the deficit.

Question Title

* 5. Please use the space below to suggest any areas where further investment is needed.

Question Title

* 6. Please provide any additional thoughts or comments that may be useful to Springfield Public Schools in resolving this FY-2012 budget deficit.