Question Title

In our attempt to help conserve our planet's resources and streamline the proposal submission process, KRA is going green! For our 2014 conference, we will have a fully online proposal submission process. We will also use an online scheduler for our conference program. Stay tuned for more information about how KRA is "Going Green".

In our attempt to help conserve our planet's resources and streamline the proposal submission process, KRA is going green! For our 2014 conference, we will have a fully online proposal submission process. We will also use an online scheduler for our conference program. Stay tuned for more information about how KRA is "Going Green".
2014 Kentucky Reading Association Annual Conference
Theme: Lifelong Literacy for Pleasure & Learning
Galt House, Louisville, KY
October 16-18, 2014

Call for Proposals--Please Complete the Form Below

**Proposal Submissions Due by midnight (EST) on FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2014**

If you have any difficulties with the online submission form, please email the conference chair Peggy Stirsman:

Question Title

* 1. Proposal submitted by:

**Correspondence will be conducted with the person submitting proposal as identified above. Email will be the primary mode of communication.**

Question Title

* 2. Additional Presenter(s): List name(s), title(s), and affiliation(s) below.

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* 3. Title of Presentation:

Question Title

* 4. Presentation Summary (3-4 lines as you wish it to appear in the program).

**Conference Chair and the Conference Planning Committee reserve the right to make editorial adjustments to your presentation summary if needed.**
33% of survey complete.