Thank you for attending the 2013 Healthcare Leadership Conference. We would appreciate you taking a moment to let us know your thoughts on the conference as a whole and any ways in which we can improve the program and experience for attendees moving forward.

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* 1. What were some of things you liked about the 2013 Healthcare Leadership Conference?

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* 2. What suggestions can you offer about how to improve future conference programs (e.g. speakers, presentation topics, roundtable topics)?

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* 3. What suggestions can you offer regarding conference facilities, materials, staffing, and other topics?

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* 4. If you would like to have further dialogue with Kaufman Hall about a specific topic, please check the appropriate box(es) below.

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* 5. If you responded to Question 4, please provide your name and email address, and we will be sure to follow up with you.

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* 6. Any additional comments or observations about the conference?