1. Introduction

Hello MPS Colleagues,

When children are physically active and eat well, they do better on tests, have better school attendance and are more focused in their learning.

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 includes new wellness policy implementation components that include expanded evaluation and reporting requirements. Every two years Student Support Services, Healthy Kids Focused Students is charged with assessing school progress on implementing the MPS Wellness Policy & Guidelines. Districts are now required to inform and update the public on wellness policy implementation, including school compliance. The survey results help schools assess their progress and helps MPS staff tailor strategies to support both site and district level work.

Completing this survey also satisfies eligibility critiera for a 2014 MPS student wellness minigrant.

Completing the survey takes less than 25 minutes. The survey should be completed by one designee and include the input of the Principal, AP, teachers, specialists, engineers, EA/ AE's, other staff, students, parents, and community partners as much as possible.

The survey can help in planning. Your site’s results will highlight priority areas that your Wellness Committee can address. It can help you build an action plan for your site.

For questions about the survey, please contact Julie Danzl - 612.668.5451 or julie.danzl@mpls.k12.mn.us.

11% of survey complete.