1. Welcome to the NRF Field Trip Leader online form.

We're delighted you've decided to lead a trip for us in 2013!

2013 is the 20th Anniversary for our Field Trip Program- and we are going to celebrate by blanketing the state with field trips! We are open to a variety of trip topics, so feel free to be creative. We'd also like to continue our dedication to see more kids in the field, so "Family Friendly" and trips designed for youth are particularly appreciated (though we also accept those trips just for adults as well:).

The first step to leading a trip is completing this online form with your field trip details. It should take you only about 10 minutes.

Not all questions are required at this time but details will need to be worked out by mid December, so please include as much information as you can today. Those questions with a * require an answer.

Please complete and submit this form by Friday, November 30th.

If you have questions- please email Christine Tanzer, the Field Trip Coordinator at: christine.tanzer@wisconsin.gov

Question Title

* 1. If you are NEW to leading trips for NRF and want to see trip-leading guidelines & program information, click yes below. (you will then be able to complete the survey)