
The Youth Task Force is working with the school and other community partners to submit a grant proposal to fund FREE summer camps for students who will be in grades 5-7 this fall. We need your input to help design these camps. We would run the summer camps Monday through Thursday for two weeks in the middle of June and middle of July from 9 AM – 12:30 PM. The bus would pick up your child in the morning and take them to Lincoln School (incoming grades 5-6)and Madison School (incoming 7th graders). They would be dropped off at either another program/day care provider or near home after the program. A morning snack and lunch would be provided.

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* 1. Would you be interested in sending your child(ren) to these camps?

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* 2. If yes, would your children attend:

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* 3. If yes, what grade will your children be in next fall?

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* 4. Do your children usually attend a summer program with the
Recreation Dept?

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* 5. Do your children usually attend a summer program with the YMCA?

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* 6. Are your children involved in any summer sports programs?

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* 7. If yes, would the mornings of June 13-16 and 20-23 conflict with the sports program?

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* 8. If yes, would the mornings of July 11-14 and 18-21 conflict with the sports program?

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* 10. Does your child:

  Yes No
Usually get an A or B in Math?
Usually get an A or B in English/Language Arts?
Read at grade level?
Have an IEP?
Have access to a computer at home?

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* 11. Part of the program includes parent/family engagement and family services. Please mark any topics/activities below you would be interested in:

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* 12. Other - Please describe:

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* 13. Please mark the answer that indicates how much your Agree or Disagree with the statements below.

  Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
My child gets at least 60 minutes of physical activity each week.
My child eats adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables.
My child has good social skills (friendship skills, conflict resolution skills, etc.)
My child enjoys school.
My child enjoys working with arts and crafts.
My child enjoys active team games.

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We should know whether the camps are funded or not by May 1st.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?