1. Welcome

Welcome to the 2011 STC Austin Salary Survey. Technical communicators who should participate include the following:

Technical writers and editors; indexers; information architects; instructional designers; technical illustrators; globalization and localization specialists; usability and human factors professionals; visual designers; web designers and developers; teachers and researchers of technical communication; trainers and e-learning developers — anyone whose work makes technical information available to those who need it.

(Occupation text exerpted from Defining Technical Communication.)

The intent of this survey is to characterize compensation for technical communicators in the Central Texas area during 2010. There are also a few questions pertaining to demographic information and current employment.

Questions requiring a response are marked with an asterisk (*).

If you have any questions or problems with this survey, please contact the survey team at salarysurvey@stcaustin.org.

10% of survey complete.