Share your voice: Help us update our Neighbourhood Plan!

The Stinson Community Association is part of the Neighbourhood Action Strategy, a partnership between the City, Hamilton Community Foundation, Social Planning & Research Council of Hamilton, and Best Start that inspires change through resident-led local planning and action. The Stinson Neighbourhood Action Plan (click here to view it) serves as a focal point for resident led action in our neighbourhood. Your input is important.

For more information contact:

Sunil Angrish, Community Developer - Stinson / 905-522-1148 ext 109

In 2012 our neighbourhood priorities were:

Beautification and Carter Park Redevelopment
Inclusive Community Engagement
Walkable Streets
Skill Training
Poverty Reduction
Business Connections

What are they today? Share your thoughts below!

Responses will be combined together and used in the updating of our neighbourhood plan. Individual responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
Remember: There are no right or wrong answers and you can choose to skip any questions!

Question Title

1. What do you want to Keep and Protect in Stinson?

Question Title

2. What do you want to Stop or Change in Stinson?

Question Title

3. What do you want to Start or Introduce in Stinson?

Question Title

4. Any other comments?

Question Title

5. Stay Connected! Join our mailing list!