Family Day Care Australia (FDCA) invites families that have children enrolled in family day care to participate in a survey to help us understand:

• What families love about family day care
• Why they chose family day care for their children
• How family day care can be improved

The survey takes less than five minutes and families that complete the survey will go into the draw to win a Visa Gift Card valued at $1,000.
The lucky family that wins will also win a Visa Gift Card valued at $1,000 for their family day care educator!
There will also be a runner up prize of two $250 Visa Gift Cards, one for a family and one for their family day care educator.

The survey closes at 11.59pm AEST on 4 June 2023.

The data gathered from this survey will provide vital information that will help guide FDCA's policy positions and promotion of family day care into the future.

Question Title

* 1. Are you: