About this Survey

Hornsby Art Society is one of the oldest art societies in NSW. Established by a group of local artists in 1963 and formally incorporated in 1964, we run a broad range of exhibitions, demonstrations and workshops for artists annually.  The purpose of this Survey is to gain input from both our current members and the broader local Hornsby arts community into our future direction and to improve our services and activities to you.  

Five years ago, in mid 2013, we conducted a similar survey. This survey helped us to shape our activities at that time, to plan events for our 50th Anniversary Year (2014) and to confirm our ongoing role delivering major local cultural development events such as the Hornsby Art Prize and the Remagine Competition, in partnership with Hornsby Shire Council. We also started the Hornsby Young Artists Competition, to encourage the next generation of artists in our local area. The Hornsby Art Prize and Remagine are now approaching their tenth anniversary, and the Young Artists Competition is five, so we're using these milestones as an opportunity to evaluate our current activities, to ensure they are still relevant for our current members, friends and local artists.

We want to hear your ideas and opinions!

This survey gives you the opportunity to pass on information about you and your communication needs and it will greatly influence the planning of future activities and services for all our current members, our event participants and for future members.

We encourage all of you to participate in this survey and to be in the draw to win free membership of HAS for one lucky winner.  Of course, your confidentiality is important to us and any answers you provide will not be identified with you, shared nor utilised in ways beyond the purposes of this survey.