We want to hear from you about what you want and don’t want to see in the Great Seneca Science Corridor area. Montgomery Planning is launching a new plan that will create an updated vision for the area. Hearing from you will help us as we partner with the community to create this vision.

The Great Seneca area of Montgomery County consists of the area that surrounds the Shady Grove Adventist Hospital and the Universities at Shady Grove, as well as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Londonderry, western Quince Orchard, Rosemont and Oakmont neighborhoods. 
Great Seneca Science Corridor boundary map. The Great Seneca area of Montgomery County consists of the area that surrounds the Shady Grove Adventist Hospital and the Universities at Shady Grove, as well as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Londonderry, western Quince Orchard, Rosemont and Oakmont neighborhoods.

Let us know what you think by completing the questionnaire below. If you would like to share more thoughts with us, be sure to sign-up for the Great Seneca Science Corridor Master Plan e-letter or contact Maren at Maren.Hill@montgomeryplanning.org or 301.650.5613.

Question Title

What do you like most about living in the Great Seneca area? Or what do you want to make sure is preserved? (Ie: Do you love the park close to your house? The small shopping center that you can walk to?)

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What do you think needs improvement in the area? (Ie: Are you missing public space to gather with neighbors? Are there improvements that could be made on your route to school or work?)

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What do you want to see happen in the Great Seneca area in the future and why?

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What issues are you most concerned or excited about: (check all that apply)

Question Title

Fill in the blank. If a master plan is your community’s blueprint for next 20+ years, (e.g., public facilities, transportation, parks, schools, housing, environment, economy, jobs, etc.), success is _______.

Question Title

Additional comments:

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What is your age?

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What is your ethnicity? (please select all that apply)

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Gender: How do you identify?

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What is your primary or preferred language?

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Where do you live?

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What do you do in the Great Seneca area? (check all that apply)

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What type of engagement would work best for you in the future? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

Would you like to be added to the Great Seneca Science Corridor Master Plan e-letter to receive updates about the plan?

Question Title

Would you like to be added to the Great Seneca Science Corridor Master Plan Text list to receive updates about the plan?

Question Title

What day of the week is best for you for future engagement events? (Check all that apply)

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What time of day is best for you for future engagement events? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

What accommodations do you need to participate in future events?

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Is there anything that would encourage you to participate in future events?

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Are you or a community group interested in co-hosting an event or meeting with Montgomery Planning about the Plan?

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Any additional thoughts or comments: