Our research team is conducting a survey to better understand how General Practitioners (GPs) approach symptom management and palliative care, when caring for patients with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). With the results from this survey we hope to develop educational materials and resources to assist GPs when caring for these patients.

We are inviting GPs and GP registrars to take part in this voluntary online survey, which will take 5-10 minutes to complete. We are hoping to gain insight into your beliefs and experiences regarding caring for patients with severe COPD and persistent breathlessness. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions in this survey. Please do not feel that you need to look up an answer, as we are interested in your personal response, not a textbook answer.

Ethics approval has been granted for this study and there are no anticipated risks to you by taking part in this research. All survey responses will be anonymous and confidential. No personal information that could identify you is being collected and your email address will not be linked to your survey response. Your consent to participate in this study is implied by completing the survey.

Thank you.
4% of survey complete.