About the BeTTER Jobs Programme

The BeTTER Jobs Programme works like a matching service to support eligible beginning and returning teachers to find employment at eligible participating schools.
If you are matched with and find employment at a school through the BeTTER Jobs Programme, you can receive up to $10,000 over two years ($5,000 per year) while you are taking part in the programme. The school you are matched and placed with will also receive financial support.
Complete this form to start receiving tailored notifications about job vacancies at eligible and participating schools and kura, which will be aligned with the preferences you provide in this form. 
To be eligible for the BeTTER Jobs Programme, you must:
  • Be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident;
  • Have completed a qualification in an approved Initial Teacher Education programme by an accredited New Zealand provider after 1 January 2023 or completed a Teacher Education Refresh programme after 1 January 2023; and
  • Hold a Tōmua | Provisional Practising Certificate or a Tūturu | Full Practising Certificate from the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Completing this Expression of Interest form means you will then receive tailored vacancy notifications for roles that are at least 0.8 Full Time Teacher Equivalent (FTTE) at schools or kura that are eligible and participating in the BeTTER Jobs Programme.

If you have already found employment that matches the above eligibility criteria, you should instead complete the BeTTER Jobs Programme Confirmation Form for the 2024 school year. The role you are employed in must be at least 0.8 Full Time Teacher Equivalent (FTTE) at a school or kura that is eligible and participating in the BeTTER Jobs Programme. That form is located here.

Note: Schools are responsible for employing their own staff. There is no central staffing agency and no government department responsible for teaching staff placement.
7% of survey complete.