Overview & Criteria

Applications for 2018 positions are due by 9:45 p.m. on January 3, 2018.
  • The High Council is the Fraternity’s board of directors and leads the Fraternity between Grand Chapters. Each year, the alumni members of the Council appoint four outstanding collegiate members to serve on the Council as Collegiate Grand Councilmen.
  • The Sigma Nu Educational Foundation exists to secure financial resources to support the educational and charitable initiatives of Sigma Nu Fraternity. The Foundation also owns and maintains the Headquarters property in Lexington and provides scholarship assistance to our members. Collegiate Foundation Board members will participate in all meetings of the board and will also serve on several board committees. Collegiate Foundation Board members are appointed for one-year terms. Two appointments are anticipated for 2018.
During College of Chapters in January 2018, six new collegiate brothers will be appointed to serve in these positions for the 2018 year. Whether you will be in attendance at the College of Chapters or not, you may apply if you meet the following requirements:
  1. Be a collegiate initiate member in good standing during the appointment period (January 2018 – January 2019).
  2. Be able to attend all High Council or Educational Foundation meetings, including the 2019 College of Chapters and 68th Grand Chapter (July 2018), without negative impact on your academic development.
  3. “Sigma Nu’s Collegiate Grand Councilmen shall provide a voice for all collegiate brothers across the continent in the High Council’s deliberations. To serve as collegiate members of its board of directors, Sigma Nu Fraternity seeks four (4) outstanding collegiate initiates, each of whom is a proven leader, is knowledgeable of the Fraternity’s Strategic Plan, possesses a strong record of academic performance, possesses a high degree of maturity, is able to communicate clearly and hails from a collegiate chapter meeting its Obligation to Excellence.” – Adopted by the High Council, 2012
  4. As one of two Collegiate Foundation Board members of the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation, you will be expected to actively participate in programs that enable the Foundation to support the Fraternity in a manner that is fitting to assure that Sigma Nu remains the most worthwhile college experience for any young man in the country. Collegiate Foundation Board members will represent the entire collegiate population of Sigma Nu and their views will be critical to the long term success of our great Fraternity.
Note that the application requests biographical information; a summary of extracurricular activities, honors and awards, and employment experience; and a personal statement of no more than 500 words on each applicant’s thoughts on which imperatives of the Fraternity/Foundation strategic plan(s) are particularly important and what skills/experiences the applicant possesses that would be helpful in advancing those strategic imperatives.

Question Title

* 1. Position Sought (select all that apply)

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17% of survey complete.