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Market research in flux: 92% of MRX pros report job insecurity

Learn how market researchers are navigating industry change

While the overwhelming majority of market researchers may not feel secure in their jobs, they are also very optimistic about the direction of the industry. Learn why, and how they are navigating these uncertainties through innovation and technology.

In this new report, learn about the top trends for market researchers, and how they plan to overcome the industry’s top challenges.

Get the report and discover:

  • Why market researchers are more concerned about job security than they were in 2023
  • Why 97% of market researchers are still confident about their industry
  • How the top challenges facing market researchers has changed since last year
  • How market researchers feel about using AI, and it’s top uses
Market research in flux: 92% of MRX pros report job insecurity
Learn how market researchers are navigating industry change