Youth Manifesto: cast your vote to select the top ideas that will make up the final Youth Manifesto for a better internet.

Do you think there should be more freedom online? Do you think the terms and conditions of popular online services should be simplified for users to understand? Do you want better online reporting systems?

These are among the 30 best ideas collected over a period of two months from youth from 31 European countries on what a better internet might look like. These ideas have now been collated for you to vote on. The ten most voted ideas will form the Youth Manifesto that will be presented to European policy makers during the Safer Internet Forum later this year.

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* 1. We want help in learning how to constructively evaluate information online.

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* 2. We want more awareness-raising initiatives on online issues - for both us and our parents.

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* 3. Schools need to take responsibility in delivering online safety information.

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* 4. We want an open and democratic internet.

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* 5. We want to be empowered to act responsibly online.

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* 6. We want the internet to be a medium that tackles cultural barriers.

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* 7. We want education on how to be good digital citizens.

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* 8. We want regular ICT education in our school curriculums.

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* 9. The internet should give us access to better educational opportunities.

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* 10. The internet should be more accessible for all.