Question Title

* 1. Informed Consent

Title: The Wrestling Audience
Researcher's Contact Information: Dr. Shane Toepfer,

Introduction: You are invited to take part in a research study conducted by Dr. Shane Toepfer of Kennesaw State University. Before you decide to participate in this study you should read this form and send any questions you may have to

Description of Project: The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of professional wrestling in the lives of its fans. The purpose of the study is also to find out what audiences like about wrestling, how they evaluate wrestling, and how they feel about contemporary issues facing the wrestling industry.

Explanation of Procedures: If you decide to participate you will answer some questions about your opinions on wrestling.

Time Required: The survey will approximately last between ten and fifteen minutes.

Risks or Discomforts: In this study you will not have any more risks than you would in a normal day of life.

Benefits: Participation in this study may not benefit you personally. Overall, I hope to gain information about your views on professional wrestling in contemporary culture.

Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal: Participation in this research is voluntary. You do not have to be in this study. If you decide to be in this study and change your mind you have the right to drop out at any time. You may skip questions or stop participating at any time.

Compensation: There is no compensation for your participation in this study.

Confidentiality: The results of this participation will be anonymous. At no point will you provide your name or any information that could identify you individually.

Inclusion Criteria for Participation: You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this study.

Use of Online Survey: The online survey program is not collecting identifiable information. IP addresses are not being collected.

Research at Kennesaw State University that involves human participants is carried out under the oversight of an Institutional Review Board. Questions or problems regarding these activities should be addressed to the Institutional Review Board, Kennesaw State University, 1000 Chastain Road, #0112, Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591, (678) 797-2268.

If desired you may print a copy of this consent document for your records or if you do not have print capabilities you may contact the researcher to obtain a copy.