1. Graduating Student Survey - University of South Carolina Beaufort

You will need to print the confirmation page at the end of this survey and turn that in with your graduation application. Please make sure before you begin this survey that you have print capabilities and only complete the survey once.

The purpose of this survey is to gain feedback about the quality of programs and services at USC Beaufort. Your responses are important to the continuous improvement of our programs and service departments. If you have any questions about this survey please contact Brian Mallory in the USCB Institutional Effectiveness and Research Office at malloryb@uscb.edu or by phone at (843) 521-4137. Thank you for your time.

Question Title

* 1. Semester of Graduation:

Question Title

* 2. For the most part, were you a full or part-time student?

Question Title

* 3. On what campus or location did you primarily attend classes?

Question Title

* 4. Major:

Question Title

* 5. Did you come to USCB as a:

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the following questions on the following scale:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
My instructors were accessible to me outside of the classroom (office hours, e-mail)
The advisors were concerned about me as an individual.
My instructors were interested in my academic and personal development.
My advisor was helpful and provided accurate and useful information about requirements, pre-requisites, etc.
During my academic program I was provided sufficient guidance in making decisions regarding my major.
Throughout my program I was provided sufficient opportunities to meet with my advisor.
Overall, the academic advising services met my needs as a student.

Question Title

* 7. During my educational career at USCB:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
My written communication skills were enhanced.
My oral communication skills were enhanced.
Issues and perspectives of the global marketplace were discussed or were a part of assignments.
Ethical issues were discussed or were a part of assignments.
My problem solving skills were enhanced.
My critical thinking skills were enhanced.
My research skills were enhanced.
My team building skills were enhanced.
My creative thinking skills were enhanced.
My technology skills were enhanced.
My problem analysis skills were enhanced.
Diversity issues and perspectives were discussed or were part of assignments.
My quantitative analysis skills were enhanced.

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the program and/or services that you have used at USCB or indicate that you did not utilize them.

  Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Outstanding Did Not Use
Career Services
Computer Labs
Military Base Services
Student Activities
Financial Aid
Business Office
Recreational Activities/Intramurals

Question Title

* 9. Please select all that apply to you

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* 10. Did you complete an internship within your major while completing your degree at USCB?

Question Title

* 11. When you began working toward your degree, was it your intention to remain in South Carolina after graduation?

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* 12. What was your approximate financial indebtedness as a result of your degree program (student or bank loans)?

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* 13. Please share with us the single accomplishment during your college years of which you are most proud.

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* 14. Please share with us one way in which your experience at USCB made a difference for you.

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* 15. Please share one opportunity you found missing in your USCB experience.

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* 16. Would you like to join the USCB Alumni Association that is being formed? (If yes, we will use the name and address as completed at the top of this survey.)

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* 17. If you have any ideas for alumni events or activities you would be interested in participating in, please list them:

Question Title

* 18. Employment status. Are you: