What are your priorities at work?

What should our union focus on?

How can you participate?

This survey provides our union leadership with critical feedback for setting our priorities and how we allocate our dues money. We prioritize our efforts based on the needs and issues of our members.

Please complete this brief survey as soon as possible. We want input from all members as we plan for 2015.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 3. What are your priorities at work?

Please rate each issue from “Not important at all” to “Very important".

  Not important at all Somewhat important Very important
Getting a raise
Promotion or reclassification
Additional training
Preparation for graduate school
Health benefits
Retirement (pension, health benefits)
Overtime & weekend/night differential pay

Question Title

* 4. For your most important priorities above, please provide more detail:

Question Title

* 5. What should our union focus on?

  Not important at all Somewhat important Very Important
Communication with members
Health and safety
Funds for higher education
Health benefits
Retirement benefits
Training for union activities

Question Title

* 6. What forms of communication do you value from UPTE?

  Not important at all Somewhat important Very important
Printed newsletter
In-person meetings

Question Title

* 7. Ways I'd be willing to participate:

  Yes No Need more information
Distribute union information to co-workers
Advocate for higher education to legislators
Union steward (giving advice to co-workers)
Local committees or executive board
Setup a meeting with my co-workers
Organizing new groups of workers to join UPTE
Legislative advocacy
Health and safety

Question Title

* 8. Trainings I'm interested in:

  Yes No Need more information
Know your rights in the work place
Stewarding (helping others solve work place issues)
Wage workshop (how to get a raise at UC)
Reclassification to a higher job class
Health and safety
Organizing (talking to co-workers about our union)
Your input helps us prioritize our resources and activities. Please provide us with additional comments and input at any time at: info@upte-cwa.org.

You can contact your local UPTE chapter.