1. Informed Consent

The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Universal Design and the Built Environment (RERC-UD) is funded by grant #H133E10002 from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The mission of the Center is to increase the adoption of universal design. We complete research, design and development activities, educational programs, publications and media.

We are conducting a survey to identify the opinions of stakeholders on the importance of different activities that could advance that mission. The results will help frame our future activities.
Volunteer Status
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You will not be required to answer every question and you can discontinue the survey at any time by simply closing your browser.

You will complete a web-based survey regarding your perspectives on universal design.

Time Commitment
Your participation in this study will take approximately 15 minutes.

There are no known risks to participating in this research.

There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this study, but your responses will help us to develop future universal design research, design and development, education, publications and media activities.

There is no cost to you to participate in the survey.

Information related to you will be treated in strict confidence to the extent provided by law. Only the Principal Investigator and other approved members of our research team will know your identity. Every precaution will be taken to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of records and data pertaining to you in particular. In order to monitor this research study, representatives from federal agencies such as NIDRR (National Institutes on Disability and Rehabilitation Research) and OHRP (Office of Human Research Protection) or representatives from the UB Human Research Protections Program may inspect the research records. This process may reveal your identity.

If you choose to be a part of the survey, your results will be recorded using Survey Monkey. The information you provide will be reviewed only by approved members of the research team. All information associated with the survey will remain in a locked filing cabinet or on password protected files in the IDeA Center, Room 20, Hayes Annex A, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214. After the research is completed, all records with identifying information will be destroyed. If you withdraw from this study, all individually identifiable data provided by you will be destroyed and not used for analysis.

For Further Information
Any questions, concerns or complaints that you may have about the study can be answered by Jordana Maisel. Jordana Maisel can be reached through the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, 3435 Main Street, 114 Diefendorf Hall, Buffalo, NY 14214-3087 or by telephone at (716) 829-5902 or by e-mail at jlmaisel@buffalo.edu.

If you have any questions about your rights as a subject in a research project, or questions, concerns or complaints about the research and wish to speak with someone unaffiliated with the project, you should contact (anonymously, if you wish) the Social and Behavioral Sciences IRB, Office of Research Compliance, Clinical and Translational Research Center, 875 Ellicott St. Room 5018, Buffalo, NY 14203 or by e-mail/phone at sbsirb@research.buffalo.edu / (716) 645-6474.

Question Title

1. If you agree with the following statement and wish to participate in the study, please click on the circle in front of the statement. If you do not agree, simply close your browser.

20% of survey complete.