Participant Information

The Under 10% Project aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the Canberra community by strengthening workplace tobacco management practices in health and community sector workplaces that work with disadvantaged people. The objectives of the Project are:
  • To undertake a health and community sector led campaign to address health inequalities related to tobacco in the ACT.
  • To provide targeted capacity building support for health and community services to implement sustainable workplace tobacco management policies.
  • To improve the capacity and confidence of health and community sector workers to manage tobacco in the workplace and support clients / consumers.

As an Under 10% Project Partner, this survey seeks to identify what is currently in place in your organisation related to workplace tobacco management. The survey aims to:
  • Assess the needs, barriers and enablers for successfully implementing workplace tobacco management policies.
  • Support monitoring implementation progress.
  • The impacts of initiatives that may have been introduced.

The information from completing the survey the first time will provide a baseline on which to determine how to proceed with the development and implementation of a successful policy. The data provided when you complete the survey a second time (in six months time) after implementation of the policy will provide information on your progress with the policy and any changes of attitudes in your service on tobacco use.
The information will also be de-identified for use by the Under 10% Project.

This process has received approval from the ACT Health Human Research Ethics Committee.

The things that will be produced from the research include:
  • Individual service reports to inform discussion on the work/resources needed to develop and implement a workplace tobacco management policy.
  • An evaluation report.
  • Academic articles and presentations.
  • Conference presentations and papers.

The survey should be completed by the Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director / Program Manager or other agreed workers member.

The survey might take up to ½ an hour to complete.

Questions will gather information on:
  • Your service including number of workers and clients.
  • Whether your service has a workplace tobacco management policy.
  • Elements of a workplace tobacco management policy that you have or do not have in place.
  • How supportive the service is in implementing a workplace tobacco management policy and.
  • Service attitudes to tobacco use by your clients / consumers.

Protection of the information you give
  • All information provided will be reported in a general way with the exception of any individual service reports generated for discussion on the implementation of a workplace tobacco management policy.
  • The information you give will be put into a computer and be password protected.
  • The documents collected for this project will be stored in a secure place for at least five years and then destroyed.
  • All possible precautions will be taken to protect the confidentiality of the information you give to the extent this is permissible by law.
  • Prior to production of any reports etc., the names of services and any other identifying information will be removed.

You can withdraw from this project at anytime. Your responses to the survey are voluntary and you can skip any questions that you do not want to answer.

If you do decide to withdraw from this project, any information collected about your organisation will be permanently deleted from our electronic records and all hardcopy documents will be destroyed.

The Under 10% Project is funded by the ACT Health Promotion Grants Program and is managed by the Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT (ATODA).

For further information about this survey of the Under 10% Project, please contact:
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT
350 Antill St, Watson ACT 2602
PO BOX: 7187, Watson ACT 2602
Phone: (02) 6255 4070

If you have concerns about this research please contact:
ACT Health Human Research Ethics Committee
ACT Health Research Office
Address: Building 10, Level 6, Canberra Hospital, Yamba Drive, Garran, Canberra, ACT 2606
Phone: (02) 6174 7968