Each year Heritage University Student Government Association leadership collects questions and feedback from students for Heritage University Administration to address.  To help us better serve the student body, we need your input.  Please take a few minutes to complete this short, open-ended survey.  

We welcome critiques, feedback, and questions.  You may ask your questions anonymously or request an opportunity to follow up.  If you would like us to follow up on your specific question, comment, concern or suggestion, please be sure to enter your name, SID number, working phone number and email. Otherwise, you may skip that question.

Note: we will not be able to respond to direct feedback regarding specific personnel including staff or faculty.

Question Title

* 1. I have a:

Question Title

* 2. The topic falls into the following category:

Question Title

* 3. What is your question, comment, concern, or suggestion?

Question Title

* 4. I would like someone to follow up with me regarding my question, comment, concern, or suggestion.