PURPOSE The purpose of the Spring 2014 Secondary Student Survey is to gather feedback about what's important to you in school-how you view your academic and social development. We want to hear your voice to make changes! There are no incorrect answers, so please answer honestly. This is not a test and you will not be graded or evaluated on your participation! Please take this opportunity to help improve your school and your experiences in Stamford Public Schools.  CONFIDENTIAL RESPONSES Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. No one at your school will be able to see your responses. Your answers will be combined with all other responses from grades 6-12 in all Stamford Schools.   PARTICIPATION Participation is voluntary. You may choose to skip questions that you do not feel comfortable answering, although we hope you will answer as many questions as possible. The survey should take about 35 minutes to complete. INFORMED CONSENT Completion of the enclosed survey means you have read and understand the information above about participation in the survey.