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* New technology allows hospitals to send critical messages (e.g., code alerts, consult requests) to the following devices:

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* With the right tools, hospital staff can now access the following alerts and information on their smartphones: (check all that apply)

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* Smartphones cannot be enabled with two-way communication tools allowing users to respond to messages with a predefined set of answers or free-form text.

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* Many hospital administrators and legal teams now require a full audit trail of smartphone communications including date/time stamps for message delivery, receipt and response.

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* Standard SMS (text) includes built-in logic which allows messages to be escalated to the most appropriate person in the event the primary contact is unavailable

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* Ensuring messages are secure and HIPAA compliant using a smartphone requires:

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* Unlike a simple text message to a cell phone, critical messages to smartphones can be separated from less urgent communications.

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* Ensuring coverage and minimizing dead spots for smartphone communications can be achieved with: (check all that apply)

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* Hospitals can only send encrypted messages to smartphones supplied by the hospital – not to staff’s personal smartphones.

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* Smartphones can be integrated into existing communications infrastructure including applications such as: