Making New York State More Affordable for Seniors Like You

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. Do you live on a fixed income?

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* 5. What is your annual income?

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* 6. How much money do you spend on utilities (e.g. water, cable, gas, electric) each month?

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* 7. How would you describe the cost of your monthly utilities?

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* 8. Would you support the creation of a statewide Consumer Advocate Office to help protect utility ratepayers like yourself?

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* 9. Do you think that seniors should receive more financial assistance from New York State in order to pay their utility bills?

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* 10. Are you a renter or a homeowner?

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* 11. How much do you spend on rent or homeowner costs (e.g. mortgage, property taxes, maintenance) each month?

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* 12. If your rent or homeowner costs have increased in the past three years, please indicate by how much:

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* 13. How would you describe the cost of your monthly rent or homeowner costs?

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* 14. Do you ever have difficulty paying your rent or homeowner costs each month?

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* 15. Does your home require repairs that are too costly for you to afford?

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* 16. Would improvements such as handrails or ramps make your home more accessible to you?

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* 17. Can you afford to install such improvements on your own?

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* 18. Is senior housing available in your community?

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* 19. If there was senior housing available, would you utilize it?

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* 20. Do you think that fees at the Department of Motor Vehicles are too high?

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* 21. Do you feel that New York State pays enough attention to senior issues?

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.  Your responses will be used to help us address these issues.  

We hope you enjoy the rest of your day!