
In April 2013 Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group (SWBCCG) was formed to take a lead role in the delivery of local health services, largely replacing the local Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). This new body, set up as a consequence of the Health and Social Care Act 2012, aims to give GPs and other clinicians the power to influence commissioning decisions for their patients.

From the earliest days of the CCG, local VCS infrastructure organisations, SCVO in Sandwell and BVSC in Birmingham, have sought to broker engagement between the CCG and our local voluntary and community organisations. Now, 18 months after the creation of the CCG, we would like to hear from you about your experience of the CCG to date and to learn where the relationship can be strengthened.

The information you give to us will be treated in the STICTEST CONFIDENCE. Figures drawn from this survey will only be shared as a collection of data: no individual information/names of participants will be disclosed to any third party.

Please complete as much as you can of this survey. If you have any questions relating to this survey, or if you feel that SCVO can help you in any way, please contact Leona Bird on 0121 525 1127, e-mail: Please complete the survey by Friday 12 September 2014

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Organisation

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* 3. Role in Organisation

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* 4. Telephone

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* 5. E-mail

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* 6. Number of Employees in your Organisation

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* 7. What was your approximate income over the last 12 months?

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* 8. Through the work of your group/ organisations and the services you provide, do you ...

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* 9. How much do you feel you know about Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG and what it does?

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* 10. What contact does your group/organisation have with your local GP or GP cluster?

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* 11. What would assist you in finding out more about the CCG? You can chose more than one

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* 12. Is your organisation currently or has it previously been commissioned to deliver services by Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG?

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* 13. If yes to the above, please provide details of funding and your experience of working with the CCG

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* 14. How would you rate Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG's engagement and involvement with the Voluntary and Community Sector to date?

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* 15. Would you like to have future involvement and engagement with Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG?

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* 16. If yes to the above, how would you like this to take place? You can chose more than one

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* 17. Would your organisation be interested in delivering CCG-commissioned services in the future?

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* 18. If no to the above, please give a reason why?

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* 19. If yes to the above, please give details of what support you would need, if any to do this

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* 20. How prepared is your organisation to respond to commissioning opportunities?

DID YOU KNOW? SCVO and BVSC are bringing together information about local health and wellbeing services within a web portal to enable local residents, GPs, voluntary organisations and other practitioners to find out where they can access different kinds of support in the community.

To find out more view the portal at and contact Mazeline Hemmings at SCVO on 0121 525 1127 email to get yourself listed