Thanks for visiting our School-Based Composting Survey. This short survey will take under five minutes to complete and will help us better understand how composting functions in schools and districts. Results of the survey will be shared at

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* 1. What type(s) of composting systems do you have at your school? Please select all that apply.

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* 2. Where do you get the "green" (nitrogen) material for your compost? Check all that apply.

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* 3. Where do you get the "browns" (carbon) material for your compost? Check all that apply.

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* 4. Are you able to source all your school composting materials from your school site?

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* 5. Who takes responsibility of maintaining your composting system? Provide a selection for each role.

  Most Responsibility Some Responsibility No Responsibility
School Food Service
Parent or Community Volunteer
Paid Garden Coordinator
School Custodian staff
Outside agency like non-profits or master gardeners

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* 6. How is your compost managed over the summer? And by who? (If your compost is not managed over the summer skip this question.)

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* 7. Briefly tell us some of educational or lesson tie ins that you do with your compost. Please mention grade levels in your description and share resources/weblinks if you have them.

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* 8. Please share the greatest obstacle(s) you have in running your school composting program.