
BESA are in the process of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the current state of school buildings and their maintenance within the educational landscape.

To achieve this, we have designed this survey to collect valuable insights into the condition of your school's buildings, the ongoing maintenance practices, and any necessary repairs. We are also interested in understanding any investments that might be needed to address these issues.

Your input is crucial in helping us assess the overall landscape and gather valuable data which we can use to lobby government to ensure that school funding is made a priority.

A report with the findings of this research will be made available to participants, as well as an opportunity to opt into one of our focus groups and our competition to win a £100 Amazon voucher.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the statement that best describes your situation for each of the areas listed below.

  We are in good shape  We have some issues  We have serious issues  I don't know
Buildings - State of Repair
Buildings - Decorative
Buildings - Health & Safety
Buildings - Security
Outdoor Play Equipment (e.g. climbing frames)
Outdoor Learning Spaces (e.g. playgrounds/multi-use games area/wildlife area etc)
Indoor learning spaces (e.g., classrooms, labs, gyms)

Question Title

* 2. Do you have concerns that your building’s condition is a risk to health and safety?