As colleges adjust their efforts from simply enrolling students to guiding them through graduation, retention systems are finding growing acceptance within institutions of higher education. These systems are used for a variety of different purposes, including making efficient use of limited advising resources, early intervention with at-risk students, and streamlined communication between faculty, professors, and students. This is all done with the goal of increased student success and graduation rates. If you would like to learn more about student retention systems, please check out our blog on the topic.

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* 1. Please enter the following information if you would like to be entered into the raffle for an iPad mini.

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your institution? [Check any that apply]

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your job function?

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* 4. What is the size of the student body at your institution

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* 5. In which region are you located?